I've been on Second life for about a month an a half. I thought I'd do an update on where I am and what I've learned. You may be able to tell from my picture that I have learned how to change my appearance and I have found a new hobby-shopping! I've even paid actual money to buy hair!
I have met lots of great people that have helped me learn new things, join groups that are of importance to education and do a little girlie shopping! My personal learning network grows every day with the new people I meet.
I've learned things like how to create a laptop in world with links that take you to my blog and my website. I've also learned how to do a presentation using a presentation board and laptop. One of the neatest things I've learned is how to create a tour. The tour allows you to create pictures of places you might visit in Second Life and give the person on the tour a description of that place, maybe even an assignment and a picture! I"ve not gotten to use any of these on actual people yet, but hope to do so very soon.
I"ve attended some great workshops on integrating technology by some big name folks in technology education. There are so many things to do in Second Life with all the events to go to. Workshops, parties, dances, socials. They're all ways to meet people and share ideas.
I've also had the chance to share Second Life with my administrators. While we were in world, we were able to voice chat with another administrator on SL integration. It couldn't have been a better way to show them how well it could function as a tool for learning.
I've now been asked to research more on getting an island for my school and possibly my school district. I have a few administrators online and have pulled in a few technology facilitators. I'm on pretty much every night if only for a few minutes and I constantly seek out new learning opportunities.
A lot of progress in less than 2 months! Can't wait to see what the next two months brings!
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