My school district started a new program to educate teachers more on technology. Schools were asked to select three teachers to send to "Technology Enrichment Training" and learn more about SMART Boards, Web 2.0 and more! The three teachers selected would attend the training and then be asked to go back to the schools to present the information learned to the rest of their staff. It really is a win-win for everyone!
Technology facilitators in the county were asked to present the information and the first session, titled "We're So SMART!" was held last week. We started with the basics, such as how to write with a pen and orient the board and by the end of the day, we were doing page recordings and changing themes. We had all levels of learners present from those that had never used a SMART Board to those that used them every day. The goal was to educate everyone on something new.
As a TF myself, I always tell teachers that after 2 weeks of having the board in their classroom, they'll definitely know more than I ever will, just for the simple fact that using every day creates a mastery. This was proven to be so true. There were a few teachers that had SMART Boards in their classrooms and those teachers taught us things we would have never figured out on our own. One of the most helpful was how to change the language of the board so that it would recognize something other than English as it's main language.
This first workshop was a full day from 7:30 to 3:00 and it was packed full of information about Everything SMART (Document Cameras, Boards, Senteos, Notebook, Airliners) all presented by three people. The next two sessions will be all about Web 2.0. Several TF's will be presenting on all types of educational tools available online. More updates to come soon!