My husband surprised me with a Wii fit today. I have to say that my nerdy side was quite interested in trying it and my non-fit side was really interested in seeing if it would get me moving. Of course the first time we turned it on was a learning process so we didn't get a lot of "exercise" out of it, but the 2nd time was all work! I was sweating, having trouble catching my breath and all out exhausted after only 20 minutes of exercise. The two person run was quite interesting as my husband and I were side by side doing an "in place" run. If someone happened to walk by our window at the right time, they'd have thought we were complete idiots.
I sat a goal to lose 5 lbs using the wii fit in a two month time span (all done within the software). I'll fill you in on how well it works, but from what I've seen tonight, the cost of the program is totally worth it. Fun and hard work all in one!